Tips for Improving Productivity at Work

man working in his home office

Tips for Improving Productivity at Work

The University of Warwick conducted a study a few years ago and found that happy employees are 12 percent more productive while their unhappy coworkers are ten percent less productive. Companies need to take note of this and stop assuming a pay raise is all that is needed to keep workers at their best. Fortunately, there are steps a company can take to boost happiness in the workplace and benefit from the increase in productivity. Following are a few of the many ways this goal can be accomplished.


Workers who are happy report their workplace is very efficient. Short- and long-term goals need to be clearly stated for employees, and companies of every size must prioritize tasks. However, this is particularly crucial for small business owners as there are few people to complete these jobs and they must know which ones to carry out first.

Speak to employees to determine if they feel their day could be better structured and allow them to achieve more. Provide each person with a plan and then ask that they create a list of the tasks and prioritize them. Doing so helps to ensure these jobs get completed and the employee works on tasks throughout the day to accomplish more.

Minimize Distractions

A woman holding a phone while working on a notebookCountless employers don’t want to stop their employees from accessing social media or using their phone while at work. Doing so often leads to staff members feeling as if they are being treated like a child. As a result, they are unhappier and productivity declines.

Put a policy into place where workers can only access their phone at certain times. For example, schedule a five-minute break every two hours so the employees can visit social media sites or return texts and calls. When the employees know they will be given this opportunity shortly, they focus on the tasks to be completed. Both the employee and employer benefit as productivity increases and the worker still feels as if he or she has breathing room and time for certain activities.

Communication Is Essential in the Workplace

Be sure to communicate with employees regularly. Make certain they are aware of your expectations at all times. This not only helps to clear up confusion, but it also makes for happier employees when they know what the goal is and what needs to be done to achieve it.

Ensure employees and the employer are setting goals that are realistic, however. When communicating with employees, don’t hesitate to ask how long a particular project takes or what is needed to get the job done in less time. Employees love to provide feedback and input into daily operations, as this shows the employer values their opinion. This boosts their confidence and productivity.

Consider Remote Work Options

Employees have lives outside the workplace and employers who acknowledge this find their employers are happy. A notebook in a coffee shop.If possible, let employees work from home or another location occasionally. For example, a staff member may take the day off to meet with a service employee at his or her house and the business must either let his or her normal tasks sit for the day or bring someone else in to complete them. By allowing the employee to work remotely, the tasks still get done and the employee accomplishes a personal task at the same time. Both parties benefit in this type of scenario.

Working Conditions

Nobody wants to be hot or cold at work. Sadly, many employers provide working conditions that are less than optimal and the entire business suffers as a result. Workers spend time trying to find a fan or another item to help them cool off or bundle up for the outdoors and struggle with restricted movement as a result. Keep the temperature set approximately at 20 degrees Celsius and employees will be appreciative and get more done. Consider lighting in the workplace also, as nobody wants to sit in a dark and gloomy room all day every day.

Share the Workload

Delegate tasks to employees who have demonstrated they can tackle new things. Make training and advancement within the company for those who do a good job on these tasks. When an employer shows he or she is dedicated to helping the worker advance his or her career, the reward comes in the form of enhanced productivity. The employee feels valued and the company doesn’t need to look outside the organization for additional help. Again, this is a win-win situation for all involved.

Employee Recognition

Men and women like to be recognized when they do a good job. Employers need to let staff members know when they have done a great job. Furthermore, this recognition should not be kept between the employee and employer. Hold regular events to congratulate individuals or departments that have gone above and beyond what was necessary to complete a task.

When business owners take the time to increase the happiness of their workers, productivity is only one thing that increases. Absentee rates decline and employees are more engaged. This tends to spread throughout the workplace as well, so be certain to make this a priority today. The business has a great deal to gain when happiness and productivity increase.


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