Author: Janina Winkler

Working abroad can pose unique challenges no matter what country an expat chooses to live in. You must carefully consider language barriers and differences in attitudes, behaviors, and cultures prior to beginning negotiations with local business professionals. This guide intends...

What is a merger or acquisition? A merger or acquisition occurs when a business owner decides to relegate control or partial control of their company for a certain amount of money or assets. Standard merger deals generally involve administrators, lawyers,...

America is known for its diverse heritage. People of all races and nationalities come together in the United States, leading many individuals to wonder about american business culture. When it comes to american business culture, however, there is less diversity....

In the early days of the Internet, a person could use their real name and create a short, simple password. These days, usernames are long and complex, and passwords are crazy, impossible-to-remember combinations of letters and numbers. While it may...

Communication is key before, during, and after a post merger integration, as the process can continue for an extended period of time. Human capital due diligence is of great importance at this time, and the workplace culture must be considered...

If you intend on buying or selling a business then due diligence is something you need to consider as part of your plan and there are various parts you must consider. Why Due Diligence Is Significant? Due diligence is essential given it...